
Saturday, January 1, 2011

New Year, New Word

Happy New Year! I had a fun-filled night out last night and hope had a wonderful time as well.

The weather was perfect yesterday. I didn't have a plan on how many miles I was actually going to run, but after 1 I had to stop back at my place to change into a cooler set of clothes. I ended up logging a little over 5 miles and then went to the gym for one final workout of the year before getting ready for the night.

For the past couple years, I have tried to pick a word that is something I want to work on or focus on for the upcoming year. My word in 2010 was transformation. I think this word sums up last year perfectly for me. My word for 2011, after much thought, consideration, and debate, is......LOVE. Over the course of 2011, I plan on using this word as one piece of the framework in my life. It is already there, I just want it to play a bigger role.

Do you have a word that describes you in 2010? Or, are you focusing on a word for 2011?

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