
Thursday, May 5, 2011

Appreciating Various Teachers

It is currently Teacher Appreciation Week, as well as other random weeks (Kids Win Week, National Wildflower Week, Drinking Water Week, and National Hug Holiday Week, just to name a few).  In honor of this week, I wanted to talk about a few people, or teachers, who have impacted my life.

  • In elementary school, my favorite teacher was my 4th grade teacher.  She also taught the highest math group, where I was placed.  She was so nice, caring, and creative.  Now she teaches junior high, but I can only imagine that she is just as wonderful.

  • My favorite teacher in high school is a toss-up between two English teachers.  I loved them both for different reasons.  One I had both my freshman and sophomore year and he made learning easy.  I always loved English, but he brought it to life.  I still remember how he taught us prepositions, and always tell my students the story when I teach it to them.  The other teacher I had my junior and senior years of high school.  She was down-to-earth and encouraged us to read outside of school to learn more.  She instilled in me a love of reading.

  • In college my favorite teacher was a psychology professor who got me to look at the world in a different way.  He encouraged me to volunteer after graduation, as he was a former Peace Corps Member. 

  • The first year I taught was rough, but my mentor was wonderful.  At first I felt very intimidated by her because she was so good, but in the end I could have never predicted how much she would help me in becoming a better teacher.  Even though she moved to teach another grade my second year of teaching, she continued to support me 110% through all of my ups and downs - which there were many! 

  • Although I named a few above, I strongly believe that everyone is a teacher.  I can learn from everyone - my parents, friends, students, other bloggers...  Everyone has knowledge that they can share.  So thank you if you have shared knowledge on my blog, or with anyone else.  You have made a difference. 

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